Well...not really. But for me, as you may know, every day is history day! So I've been working on these scenes of Ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt. Enjoy!
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Saturday, 18 May 2013
Sunday, 21 April 2013
Medieval Madness
This was a piece I did for my agency's trip to Bologna - as you're probably aware by now, I am obsessed with all things medieval...
Thursday, 28 February 2013
My friend teaches at a primary school, and she asked me if I could come up with some superhero designs to illustrate their key values - of course, I said sure thang! Well, I didn't say that exactly, but, you know....
Snooty Dutch lady (and maids)
I was looking at some Frans Hals paintings the other day whilst faffing around, er, I mean 'researching' on the internet, and I was inspired to do this wee pic of a high-fallutin' Dutch woman being prepped by her maids to go somewhere fabulous, like to Vermeer's house for some hot chocolate or something...
Monday, 21 January 2013
Black and Whites! (yep, there's more)
So I seem to have gone a little black and white crazy recently.... Still to come, a girl petting a dragon, a snooty 17th Century lady and some Disney-type princesses.